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Is Money Coaching for Me?

Not sure if money coaching will benefit you?

Take the quiz below and find out!

Please answer every question, ticking one box only.

Do you:

1. Often worry about money?
2. Feel confused and overwhelmed by money?
3. Buy things you can't afford & then regret it or feel guilty about it?
4. Have ample wealth, yet still worry about not having enough money?
5. Avoid people to whom you owe money?
6. Come from a family who had money troubles?
7. Get sad or angry when you talk about money?
8. Find your moods are drastically changed by money?
9. Obsess about having more money?
10. Borrow ahead against your next pay packet?
11. Buy things and hide them?
12. Expect special treatment if you can't pay your debts?
13. Have at least one sibling with money difficulties?
14. Avoid looking at your bank and credit card statements?
15. Find it hard to ask for payment, or appropriate payment, for your work?
16. Hide your bills, or throw them away?
17. Feel your financial situation limits your life choices?
18. Often argue about money?
19. Lie to avoid or delay paying back money you owe?
20. Prioritise making money over your health and relationships?
21. Want more confidence, power and practical skills in managing your money?
22. Find it difficult to discuss money or reveal your true financial status?
23. Temporarily divert your attention from your money worries or successes through compulsive splurging on shopping, gambling or food?
24. Lie about how much you make to others?
25. Sign contracts for goods or services that you know you can't pay for?
26. Choose or reject a potential partner because of their financial status?

Adapted from Julia Cameron & Mark Bryant's Money Drunk, Money Sober

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